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Showing posts from March, 2016

Arduitape on the ZX Spectrum

How to use the Arduitape with the ZX Spectrum. Sorry I've been a little quiet recently but I've managed to get my grubby little mitts on a ZX Spectrum + 48k and have been testing it with the Arduitape. Unlike the MSX and other 8-bits the only limitations on frequency of the .WAV files is no higher than 22050 Hz due to the limitations of the software used. I was expecting to have all the difficulties of the MSX but I've tested lots of files at different frequencies and they all work fine. I've been using TZX2WAV to do the conversions. Open a command window. Type  tzx2wav -f [desired frequency] [filename].tzx [filename].wav   and that's it. I have been trying to experiment with a programme called OTLA which can output various formats of Spectrum, ZX81, Amstrad, and MSX files that playback at a higher rate and essentially turn a 5 minute loading game in to a 30 second loading game however it outputs at either 44100Hz or 48000Hz which is too high for the Ardui...