And now on to construction.
For the Nano Circuit board you will need the following
Veroboard (I used a piece 13 holes by 19).
32 DIL Wide Socket.
28 Male Pin Headers.
Jumper wire.
Cut the jumper pins to the following
3 x 1 Pin
2 x 2 Pins
2 x 4 Pins
1 x 6 Pins
1 x 7 pins
Make sure the copper strips on the veroboard are vertical and on the underside of the board.
Top view of the Nano Board.
When you have soldered all the components flip the board over and remove the copper strips where indicated. Be very careful not to cut yourself.
Underside view of the Nano Board
When completed it should look something like this.
Now on to the Audio filter. You will need the following.
Veroboard (I used a piece 9 holes by 15)
4 x 4.7k resistors.
3 x 4.7nF Capacitors
1 x 100nF Capacitor
3 x Male Pin headers.
Cut your male pin header into single pins.
C1, C2, and C3 are the 4.7nF Capacitors
C4 is the 100nF Capacitor.
Top view of Audio Filter Board.
For the Nano Circuit board you will need the following
Veroboard (I used a piece 13 holes by 19).
32 DIL Wide Socket.
28 Male Pin Headers.
Jumper wire.
Cut the jumper pins to the following
3 x 1 Pin
2 x 2 Pins
2 x 4 Pins
1 x 6 Pins
1 x 7 pins
Make sure the copper strips on the veroboard are vertical and on the underside of the board.
Top view of the Nano Board.
When you have soldered all the components flip the board over and remove the copper strips where indicated. Be very careful not to cut yourself.
Underside view of the Nano Board
When completed it should look something like this.
Now on to the Audio filter. You will need the following.
Veroboard (I used a piece 9 holes by 15)
4 x 4.7k resistors.
3 x 4.7nF Capacitors
1 x 100nF Capacitor
3 x Male Pin headers.
Cut your male pin header into single pins.
C1, C2, and C3 are the 4.7nF Capacitors
C4 is the 100nF Capacitor.
Top view of Audio Filter Board.
Is the audio filter necessary when building this to use with a ZX Spectrum