Some new, different, patched, and now working game for the MSX. I've recently been building a smaller version of the CasDuino and have now finished it but I've also been able to buy a few games on cassette that are either not working or downloads are not in English (using the last TOSEC MSX_MSX_TOSEC_2012_04_23 download). I've converted these to .CAS files and am making them available to download. Football Manager was only previously available as a disk file Les Flics was listed to use BLOAD"CAS:",R as the load command but to get it to work you actually should type BLOAD"pss",r Uchi Mata previously only worked if you pressed CTRL+STOP once the .CAS file stopped loading. This has now been fixed Vampire This was not in the last TOSEC download and I have two slightly different versions. The game is still the same but the loading is different. Xenon was a game only available in Spanish and had a terrible bug where you couldn't use a joystick. This...